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Introducing The Brow Blueprint: Elevate Your Brow Game with Precision Mapping and Caliper Ruler Techniques

Are you ready to take your brow game to the next level? Say hello to my latest mini-course: The Brow Blueprint.

In the world of beauty, eyebrows aren't just a trend – they're a statement. And mastering the art of brow design requires more than just a steady hand and a keen eye. It demands precision, skill, and an understanding of facial symmetry. That's where The Brow Blueprint comes in.

My online course is designed to equip you with the tools and techniques you need to create flawless brows that elevate your clients' natural beauty. Whether you're a seasoned professional looking to refine your skills or an aspiring brow artist eager to learn the ropes, The Brow Blueprint has something for everyone.

So, what exactly sets The Brow Blueprint apart? It's all about precision. Through a combination of video tutorials and e-books, you'll learn the art of brow mapping – the foundation of perfect eyebrow design. I’ll teach you how to use a caliper ruler, map out brows using pre-inked string, and wax brows based off of our mapping design.

Whether you're a beauty enthusiast looking to expand your skill set or a professional seeking to stay ahead of the curve, The Brow Blueprint is your ultimate guide to achieving eyebrow perfection.

One of the best part of this course is that it’s quick and easy to follow!

Ready to elevate your brow game? Enroll in The Brow Blueprint today and become a master of precision brow design. Trust me – your clients will thank you.



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what is a lash lift?

A lash lift is essentially a perm for your natural lashes. This relatively low-maintenance procedure lifts and curls lashes for up to 8 weeks. For those looking to simplify their beauty routines, this might be a treatment to consider. 

A lash lift service is designed to enhance the natural lash. Every clients lashes are different and thus the outcome of the service will vary from person to person. For example, a client with naturally long lashes will have a more dramatic outcome verses a client with shorter lashes. Both results can be  beautiful, but if a client with short lashes is looking for a more dramatic effect, lash extension services may be a better choice. 

In order to ensure the best result possible, we are trained and well equipped with different types of perming rods and techniques. At your appointment, your eye shape and natural lashes will be analyzed to ensure we pick the correct perming rod to achieve the best result.

How often can lash lifts be done? Lash lift results last anywhere from 4-8 weeks (sometimes longer) and can safely be done every 6-8 weeks. For clients who get lash lifts this regularly, sometimes a break may be needed in between to allow lashes to go through a full growth cycle.

Things to know before & after your appointment 

Before appointment:

  • Do not put on mascara. Removing mascara can be very time-consuming and any residual makeup will prevent proper processing of the lifting solution.

  • Do not wear eye makeup. Makeup close to the eye area must be removed prior to the application process.

  • Please arrive on time. All appointments are based on timing to allow proper processing time.

  • After appointment:

  • Be gentle with your lashes; no rubbing.

  • Do not get your lashes wet for the first 24 hrs.

  • Do not use harsh products on your eyes/lashes.

  • Use of Sauna/Steam is possible after 24hrs but may weaken the effect of the lift.

  • No eye make up for 24 hours.

  • Avoid waterproof mascara’s.

  • Swimming should be avoided for at least 24hrs.

  • No other facial beauty treatments for 24hrs.

written by Carli B.

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regular tint vs. hybrid tint

Need help deciding which tinting procedure would work best for you? Here’s the difference between hybrid tinting and regular eyebrow tinting…

Need help deciding which tinting procedure would work best for you? Here’s the difference between hybrid tinting and regular eyebrow tinting…

regular tinting

The purpose of tinting brows is to create the illusion of more volume and thickness by darkening the hairs. However, with regular brow tint, the dye will only stain the skin the first day or so. The main goal of this product is to stain the hair for up to four weeks depending on the client’s skin and hair type.

sparse brows and tinting

If you have sparse areas (missing layers of hair) in your brows and you are looking to have the “filled in” look, regular tinting might not be for you because the tint will not have enough hair to adhere to in order to give you a darkened effect.

the best candidates

Regular tinting works best for brows that are at a good, healthy growth phase, hairs are light to medium in color (even if it’s just the roots), and will last longer for those who have normal (not too oily) skin.

hybrid tinting

This option has a more “wow” effect since it’s purpose is to stain the skin for up to seven days and dye the hair for you to seven weeks!


Although it’s a more bold effect, we can customize the color and application based on the client’s preference (natural or bold shades, faded front section of brows wispy or defined tails, etc.)

the best candidates

Hybrid tinting will work on pretty much everyone, with any brow color and hair texture. Since it’s made to have a more strong skin stain effect, know that it will be its darkest on the first day post application and will continue to dade from the skin over time.

If you’re still unsure which option to choose, let’s talk about it during your next appointment!

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my journey (so far)

Growing up in Brazil it was by no accident that I gravitated towards the world of beauty. In fact, my aunt had a major influence on me. She is solely responsible for my roots in the brow game and I can remember absorbing her techniques any chance I could.

At 22 years old my fascination with eyebrows began to grow. My family and a few close friends began letting me practice my new found techniques on them.

As word of mouth spread, what started out as a hobby began to get a bit more serious. With a lot of great feedback I got the courage to start my own Instagram page. As a senior in college majoring in business, I thought all paths lead to the corporate world. After applying for one corporate job, which by the way still hasn't gotten back to me, my interest in other people's business' began to fade and interest in my own began to blossom.

Upon graduating from UMass Boston, I immediately enrolled in esthetics school with hopes of acquiring my license. While juggling class, baby sitting and a part time job, I made time for shaping brows from home as much as possible.

Then, with my license in hand, I began the hunt for an opportunity to pursue my dream. With a lot of plucks and a little bit of luck I found a place that would allow me to shape brows full time and grow my clientele.

As I was reaching the two year mark at this job, I stumbled upon an available retail space at Bow Market in Somerville. After much persistence in acquiring the space, learning how to open up my own shop, and figuring out the hardships of commercial construction, I opened the doors to my 184 sq. ft. space known as Brows by Renata in late May of 2018. I worked by myself and serviced all of my clients for about a year until I hired two girls to work alongside me. The interesting thing about this retail space was that the lease was relatively short. This gave me the opportunity to run my own small business and then see whether I wanted to renew my lease for a bit longer or pursue something elsewhere.

As my lease was coming to an end, I was presented with yet another opportunity to expand. I found an 1,000 sq. ft. space in Somerville, which would give my team and I the opportunity to work all at the same time and offer more services. This space was bare bones and I was able to build it out to suit our needs. I was able to work with a great architect and contractor who helped me create a salon that I had only seen through my vision board on Pinterest. That is when I changed my business name and RENATA & Co. opened in late January 2020.

These last few years have not been easy. I have learned so much about myself, the beauty industry, and my business. I am very grateful for every person who has trusted us with taking care of their brows, lashes and waxing needs.

So, to my client, followers, friends and family I want to say thank you for all the love and support you have given me throughout this journey.



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